Sunday, 5 January 2025

First of 2025.

 So I did manage to get a few things completed over what might be loosely termmed the holidays.  There are some additions to 'Shinyloo' which need to be photographed but here are some 40mm Thirty Years War French cavalry with a matt finish - to prove that I have more than one bottle of varnish! 

 The models are a mixture of Sash and Saber and my own Romanoff models and one of the troopers is a Drabant model on a Sash and Saber horse.  There is a fair amount of bits swapping here too, pistol holsters are my own and the cornet finial is a 28mm Front Rank item. The actual cornet is a slight repaint of an oversized 28mm paper item .

These represent the Queens Cavalry regiment in about 1643- though the cornet may be a little later.still more of these to do though including a trumpeter.

Next up for this slowly growing collection will be some artillery I think. But then again I might do some more cavalry as I like painting horses.