Sunday, 14 July 2013

Knight after Knight...

 Reading MW recently I noticed that the editor opined  that the Medieval was a bit of a left behind period. Now he may be right . Many wargamers really don't seem to get Medicals- not least because its not one single period. The armies from the Battle of Hastings to the End of the Wars of the Roses or more roughly 1100-1500 are at least as diverse as those of the "Ancient" period. At one end we have Norman Knights and at the other Landsknects. However the  next time I see 13th century troops on the same table as 15th century-"cos they are all medieval "  would not be the first.
 Also the middle ages is cursed by - in some ways- being thought of as "good for skirmish games"  which is often the kiss of death as far as historical accuracy goes.
 For myself I've had an interest in the period since my earliest wargaming days but of later have not owned any medieval armies- the 40mm Wars of the Roses are not yet table ready- since the 1990s.
 Nevertless I still have the books- from basic Army lists to Froissart and Jean le Bel  taking in deVries and Verbruggen, I even have a few odd painted units.
French Kinight - all of whom actually existed and fought at either Crecy or Poitiers- some at both . All the heraldry is hand painted as I can't abide transfers as they never fit and you can't get the arms you want.

Close up of the above- shoing King John of Bohemis- red flag- and his standard bearer.
I think part of the problem witn Medievals is of course Heraldry some chaps just can't face painting individual knights and so make it up rather than use the many books of rolls of arms that are out there. Personally I'd rather face a dozen quarterly coats than  the endless tedium of Napoleonic French line Infantry(always my personal bete noir)  and there is no arguing medievals ARE pretty.
Early Handgunners- yes the Middle Ages saw the birth of gunpowder weapons.
Now my problem here is deciding where to go  I have lots of bits and pieces- painted for the show display case over the years. We have an exstensive Medieval range covering a lot of different armiesand sub-periods . All the obvious ones- Hundred Years War, Wars of the Roses, Crusades Scots English French  but also Flemish Hungarians Irish Turkish Imperialist, Hussites, Italians  Poles Russians and even Transylvanian  can come from the Old Glory ranges. .
 All of these armies have characteristics of their own  so you know I can't decide.
Bowmen of England. The lads to sort out the French of the first picture.
So will I expand my few Scots and add to the small English army I have or perhaps add to the few Italians.

 Decisions decisions....


  1. You've got the Scots, got the English. 1388 Otterburn, 1403 Shrewsbury etc, etc, you gotta do it mate.


    1. Yes- but can I face pinting up lots and lots of Scots spearmen merely for the English to mow them down again....

  2. One must always make the effort, in order to see the hairy northerners getting their butts kicked again. We will of course ignore Stirling Bridge, Bannockburn, Otterburn and other instances of English ineptitude!

    1. Whilst remembering Dunbar.(tge medieval one) . Falkirk Dupplin moor Homildon Hill Nevilles Cross Halidon hill .
      but still which to go far....

  3. Wonderful, and colorful looking troops, great work!

  4. Well, at least we're getting more literature on these areas on interest.
    Has anyone seen the new book on John Hawkwood by Stephen Cooper: 'Sir John Hawkwood - Chivalry and the Art of War'.,stephen-cooper-9781844157525.


  5. Fabulous looking knights - love your heraldry!

    1. Thanks Dean0 its been a whie since I wrote the post but I'm still slowly painting more medievals- both 25mm and 40mm - between doing other stuff.
