Monday, 17 February 2025

A Big Shiny One.

  It has been some time since I did anything of any comsequence to my 'Shinyloo' project though I have been adding a figure or two here and tthere and even aquiring  a few lots of 'pre-loved' items- in some cases very pre and not very loved. Best of the lot - and in good nick was a lot containing 10 Minifigs 30mm French Guard Chasseur a Cheval on Minifigs 30mm horses.  This little lot, when finished will double the size of Napoleon Shinyparte's Chasseur regiment- and unlike those I already have will be on the correct horses. 

A bunch of recently finished shiny additions Left to right 30mm Minifig, Connoisseur Mameluke on Willie horse Connoisseur Mamluke  on Stadden horse, Minifig 30mm Chasseur on the correct horse and Minifg Chassuer on Stadden Horse..
 Comedy caption - 'You can't shoot at us - we have posher trousers than you!'

Next a short video clip showing the 44th Foot. Mostly Stadden 30mm with a couple of Minot 30mm in there as well. Still a tiny bit to do. Another drummer and perhaps a fifer and Drum Major. Most urgent being to make all the sabot bases the same colour- the paler green, and add a new phinial to the Kings Colour. These have been in their boxes for a few years.

Hoping to get the whole collection out for a game or two this year- maybe even at a show. We shall see. 


  1. Very nice additions to your project, and a lovely review of the 44th. I hope you do get the collection on the table, will be worth seeing.
