So- a somewaht late desptch this as I've been somewhat busy with Crimbo and the like. Nevertheless several regualr TWATS gathered at our local pub for a game on the 22nd November.
Andrew the Tekkie in the chair- so it meant I actually got to play.with my own toys as -predictably it was a modern scenario .
We'd decided to move away from "Harraq" as the T-72s were sick of getting a total kicking. therefore wemoved north under the ovecast skys of Northern Turkey - near the border with the Republic of Georgia- check it out on Google maps -
So the basic scenario
Battle of Borcka November 1992
Situation .
A pro- Russian
coup in the new Republic of Georgia has brought General Vladimir Illyich
Donchaferkov into power. A Georgian by birth and Russian army trained this man
is a Cold Warrior of skill and courage.
In order to
“free” ethnic Georgians across the
border in Turkey he has ordered his – largely Russian - “Josef Stalin” armoured Battle group to cross
the border and secure the town of Borcka . Currently undefended. Indeed the
Generals forces have been joined by small numbers of Rebels
of T’urdish ethnicity with a few clapped out T-55 – supplied by Guess
These rebel leaders of the Total Union of Revolutionary Democrats are also Moscow trained
In iorder to show
Nato solidarity the 69RM cdo Battlegroup- which was on exercise In Turkey has
moved up to the town of Borcka but may not get there before the lead elements
of the rebels and Russian forces arrive. The Battlegroup has been joined by A sqn North-West Durham Yeomanry ( Commercial Volunteer Light Dragoons) with their Scimitars as an additional recon element but is otherwise as previos orbats for 69Cdo Battlegroup.
Weather overcast with rain and high winds .
The Game
There were 4 players plus Andrew as Umpire I -for a change commanding the Russians so I could see what it felt like to die gloriously... with Shaun as Infantry commander. Tom taking his usual role as British commander.. Jeff decisded to command the Ireregular forces of the T.U.R.D. on the principle that as he was likely to get a kicking anyway then he would be able to blame his forces -" being Irregular crap" rather than sany mistakes he might make .....
Rules as usual were Command Decision - Combined Arms- with a few tweaks . Photographs were all taken by Andrew as I was too busy trying to salvage something from what was sure to be an unholy wreak ...
Scimitars of the North West Durhan Yeomanyry(Commercial Volunteer Light Draggons) advance towards Borcka. |
I wasn't wrong ... but not quite in the way I'd thought.
The game began with a nasty surprise for the Russian forces- the British battlegroup had already reached Borcha!
"Buggerski " thought I and immediately planned for an assualt.
Buggerski!! - the British already in Borcka. |
Zulu Company 69RM throw back the first Russian assualt |
To the east of the town the Irregulars were fumbling about in the hills pushing their tanks forward to be engaged by the Light Dragoon scimitars. Early fire was exchanged and a Scimitar destroyed (Yipee!!)
On the opposite flank masses of T-72s were gathering to attempt to pus back the British Challengers on the outskirts of Borcha- supported by BMP2 and BDRM with AT launchers forming an advanced Gun line.
Indeed it was the BDRM that scored first blood on this flank taking out a Challenger- but the BDRMs died in the doing of that brave deed- a sole survivor fleeing- smoke pouring from all orifices !
Meanwhile in the centre Shaun had launched an Infantry assualt on the hill covering the town . However Zulu Company of 69RM was waiting and gave his assualting companies such a kicking that they lost all interest in the proceeding for several turns - being pinned at the base of the hill then scuttling back to their vehicles.
Got one !! A Challenger falls to ATGW. The BRDMs were wiped out next turn. |
The Russian advance. T-72 Charge! |
Now the T-72 assualt went in . Once again we found that we had to be sucidially close to the challengers to get them but we got 2 as we lost 5 tanks or was it 6 - at least 1 tank going dowen to Milan fire from the Infantry in the town . By the standards of the time this was a reasonable exchange- especially since we also killed a WEMIK and a Viking. However the storm of fire was too much and 2 of 3 companies broke and had to rally and re-organise - leaving ony Regt HQ and a single company to act as rearguard . It was short, vicious and confusing just the way you might imagine a modern armoured engagement would go .
The time imperative had beaten us- the rest of our Infantry moveing at foot pace were only now arriving on the table despit comandeering local cars. The Ireegulars were stuck on thier hill to the east and had not even opend up with their Chinese built MLRs as it was stuck in the low ground behind the hill.
Close up of the Russian assualt. |
It had been a close game. The British had suffered more losses than in any previous modern game. Air power wasn't used this time and now I'm convinced that the Apache has been a battle winner every trime it has turned out. Had I had only a few more T-72 we could have been contenders !
Once again Jeans Beef Butties were magnificent and sundry Beers were drunk in the niormal mannerand a convivila time had by all - which after you get past the dice rolling is surely what is all about.