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Friday, 11 November 2016

At a bit of a loose end

 Been pretty busy lately  what with the new Blue Moon ECW range now being in stock - well the first 20 packs any how and catching up with back orders to various parts of Europe and beyond. It follows therefore that my own personal hobby has taken a bit of a back seat recently. Especially since unlike a goodly number of bloggers in the wargaming world I don't happen to be  some kind of retired fellow of leisure. Frankly I'm pretty happy about this as I'd  probably die of boredom within half a year.  I don't feel myself ready for the knackers yard yet by a long way unlike some of the dudes you see shambling about at shows. But that is by the by the point with working for a living is that sometimes you can't fit other stuff in . This is true of now. I've not finished any new figures for any project for some time.
 On the table I have a troop of ECW cavalry - 28mm Old Glory about half done- ready for either Balfour's or Esses's regiments circa spring 1643. Also some more "shinyloo" figures for that project which I've assembled. I'd hoped to run the first "shinyloo" game about now but that is not going to happen. It will be next year now.
 Part of the problem is me- after a week or so of 10-12 hour shifts  surrounded by the little lead gits you want a different vista- so painting is temporarily out of court. However the madness has calmed down to a mere dull roar so hopefully I'll get some more toys finished


  1. Andy, speaking as a trainee "shambler" and a gentleman of enforced leisure I have to say I don't know how I ever fitted in a busy 50+ hour a week job in the public centre trailing all over the country! The last three years have been very fulfilling and productive so I'm not complaining. You should look forward to it :-)

    1. Nah- next stop after retirement senility and death- no thanks I'm not playing.

    2. its all in the mind...... :-)

    3. Exactly My mind isn't ready for the knackers yard any more than the rest of me !

    4. Retirement does not equal the knackers yard, it's the time to do all the things you havn't had time to do before and needs intelligent application and planning, Tony

    5. But only if you have a HUGE public sector pension so you can afford it ....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So it's Soylent Green time for you : ) ?

    1. Not for a while yet... but it would be Bach and Elgar I think ... favourite colour Blue perhaps ... but then I can't expect to retire until I'm at least 67 - probably older - even if I wanted to . Right get some toys together . off to the pub later for a modern game ....
