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Saturday 24 August 2013

Napoleonic armies with Old Glory 25/8mm figures.

Here are some more pictures of Julian 's units that I though you might like to see.
Here we see almost al of Julians French Line amassed into one big unit-the only things not there are the individual command bases for the smaller 24fig units.

These next 2 show the whole french force- once again the Generals are mine but since that set is also for sale- including Boney Himself...

All of these pictures show Julians units to advantage. Frankly I'd be having the lot myself  if I hadn't already go a bundle of 40mm Napoleonics. I did think about it but no 1812 not really my thing, never has been- too much "War and Peace" in my youth.

Here are 3 pics of the Russians including a close up of the Artillery- which gives a good idea of Jims painting style for this collection. 
As I dig out the files I'll post more pics and close ups- Including my own Cahsseurs of the Guard and Boney and his chorts.  Keep watching....


  1. Very nice work, some beautiful minis!

  2. Really magnificient! Extraordinary painting style, fantastic pictures!

  3. Thanks Chaps - no credit tome- except for the pics. The painter is James Main- a good mate of mine and to be seen on our stand at shows. Like I said this lot are all for sale

  4. Julian Roche has now finally taken back his collection.

  5. Gorgeous Russians!

    I'm currently working on my 1812 28mm Elite Miniatures Saxons....


    1. Phil I've always has a soft spot for Elite- but they don't really do anything I fancy-at the momnet except perhaps thier French Revolutionary stuff .

  6. Indeed! Almost Gilderesque in appearance and attitude.

    Best Regards,


    1. I think that was the idea but it it now a long time ago . Mind you these could have been another influence for 'Shinyloo' and since I am very very slowly doing a shiny 1809 project once I find a space 'after India' then you never know.
