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Thursday 15 July 2021

Publication Date.


I have been given a publication date of July 21st - that would be NEXT WEEK DUDES !  for the publication of this my first book so you can see I'm just a tad exited about this.  Looking forward to it. 

Sunday 11 July 2021

Catching up on my reading 7


Last Christmas my wife Carole bought be a subscription to the BBC History magazine. I'd bought the mag of and on from newstands for several months before and found it always interesting and occasionally fascinating. Now the is not a Military History mag but rather general History and frankly all the better for that. Let's face it quite a number of the wargaming fraternity have a pretty narrow view of History - just like much of the general population only more so - therefore getting a more rounded view of the past cannot be but a Good Thing  (Sellar and Yeatman take note !) I may not always agree with the writers but they make you think which again must be accounted a Good Thing. The precise worth of individual copies will depend upon individual tastes but in the above issue alone we have mention of - Old Noll as you can see, but also Mary Wollstonecraft, The Tokyo Olympics- 1964- and Slime mould to mention only four highlights in a magazine that is full of both longish readable articles and fascinating little snippets. Past issues have included pieces on the Battle of Thermopylae, the Peasants revolt and the Sikh War.

All issues also have a plethora of book reviews and notices of historical events and event of interest to  the historically minded.  Never had a totally duff issue yet... wish the same could be said for wargames mags.

Sunday 4 July 2021

More "Spare Units" - well sort of ....

After a bit of heart- searching I have decided to unload my Front Rank Seven Years War units. I know plenty of chaps like Front Rank models and they do plenty of lovely stuff  but these have never been entirely to my taste. I bought them when I was building up my 28mm Seven years War collection  but the time has come for them to move on.

 All are for the French army. Most of them are cavalry as that is what I was short of a dozen or more years ago but there some Schomberg light Infantry  and an artillery piece with crew as well. Most were professionally painted, either by Steve Skinner or Rob Anderson. though the gun and some of the dragoons are my work.


Schomber Dragoons- Painted by Steve Skinner 15 figures 

Schomberg Light Infantry 26 figures painted by Steve Skinner 

Royal Dragoons and a gun and crew. Painted by me.

French Line Cavalry  painted by Rob Anderson.

More French Line Cavalry. Painted by Rob Anderson.

 2 shots of the Royal Dragoons. Painted by Rob Anderson. 

So in total there are 26 foot 57 cavalry and a gun and crew. These is also a 2 mounted figure command group - also painted by me but I don't yet have a pic of that.All of these pics were already in the files so to speak.  the 3 Rob Anderson painted units are each 12 strong. 

 Once I get a bit of time spare- rare currently-  I will post each unit individually on FB  Historical Wargames Buy Swap Sell .  But if anyone  fancies the lot  well offers in the region of £700.00. Shipping cost will depend upon where you live of course.