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Tuesday 17 October 2023

Khalsa- a Guide to Wargaming the Anglo- Sikh Wars.

 Well here is the cover of our - that is mine and Jim's -  book on wargaming the Sikh Wars due out next month. 

So here Gentle readers is some actual evidence ! 

On the Helion Website here  

Saturday 14 October 2023

It has been a while !

 Sometimes you  simply have to let something slide. there simply are not enough hours in the working day.

Last weekend was Partizan which meant  getting the van from the hirer , loading up said van then getting up at half past bloody early for the drive to Newark. Doing the show - which was pretty busy- loading up and driving back. Unloading then getting the van back to the hirer on the Monday morning. Does not leave a lot of time for much else over three days. This time was made a bit more frantic as for the previous two days I was also unpacking a shipment from the USA and pulling a bundle of back- orders to make sure I didn't sell 'em at the show Then of course you have all the catching up to do when you get back. mostly done now but still some back orders to go out next week. Phew!

 Previous to that I was busy putting the finishing touches to my soon to be published (I'm told November so in time for Crimbo dudes!) book 'Khalsa - A Guide to Wargaming the Anglo- Sikh Wars'. Helion being the publisher in their Helion Wargames series.

Sikh Ghorcharra. The mainstay of the Sikh cavalry. No Sikh army can have too many of these chaps  so there are always some on my painting table.

 Almost 70.000 words plus a bundle of photos of mine and Colin Ashton's Sikh Wars collections in action. Add to that the Uniform and organisational guides and  several scenarios and 'scenario sketches'  and I'm pretty pleased with it Not for a moment forgetting the figure painting chapter by my good friend James Main which adds  considerably to the book. Now all I'm waiting for is to see it in print.

 Oh and yes there is a fair bit of narrative history in there as well..

The Sirmoor Local Battalion- a Ghurkha unit. This unit fought in the First Sikh War at Aliwal and Sobraon.. Despite the 'rifles' style uniform they did carry colours .

I'm told I'll have copies in time for Battleground show on November 26th - at which event Helion  are listed as a trader so we shall see.

 Our gaming group are doing a Sikh Wars demo game so in my few and far between spare moments I am painting Sikh Wars figures to add to my still growing collection. Oh and maybe a bit of the World Cup.