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Tuesday 19 October 2021

Minot 30mm

 Over the last few years I have amassed a fair collection of 30mm models for the 'shinyloo' project. Most of these have been Stadden with a few Willie and some not quite 30mm Connoisseur or Hinchliffe 'Foremost'. The point being that they were all designed  before 1984 some having been sculpted  2 decades or more earlier.

Four Minot 30mm French Cuirassiers giving it some ! I have another half a dozen of these in various stages of disrepair. 

 However another maker from the latter part of that time  I have become something of a fan of is Barry Minot. Probably best known for his rather esoteric fantasy ranges, he had several ranges of 30mm historical figures out there as well. I am aware of 5 - though there may be others.

 A Battle of Jena range of which I only have 2 examples.

A Zulu War range centred around Rourke's Drift- some lovely active figures though I don't currently have any.

Another view of the Cuirassiers.

A retreat from Moscow range with lots of cold looking French which I have and some predatory Cossacks which I don't. Those I do have need quite a bit of TLC before a public viewing.

A Sudan range - which I have seen pictures of.

 and Finally

For a long time this was the only Minot model I had. 

 A Waterloo range which a have quite a few of and are the pictures on this post. I would not claim to have them all as I only have  2 highlanders and by no means all of the British Infantry. Doubtless there are plenty of others to  find as well.

French Imperial Guard. This was the first completed Minot unit. I now have plenty of these to paint in most of the poses that Minot made. 

 I love the movement of these blokes even if compared to some the small details may be lacking- but of course that means no buttons the size of golf balls or such other silliness and anyhow  you can paint the details in. It is not that hard. Or leave 'em off if you prefer. 

British Infantry. These paint up really well and once I get some of the more active poses into the collection .....


 All in all these Minots make a decent addition to the 'Shinyloo' collection. 

Monday 11 October 2021

Back in the Saddle 3 It's Showtime.

 Bloody Hell I ache as if some unfriendly dude from a misspent past has caught up with me and given me a kicking. No he didn't, it just feels that way, after my first trade show for 20 months. Muscles I'd forgotten I had were forced to work for a living humping a van full of  soldiers to the trade stand  and then hump a (significantly lighter) load back again .

' Twas a fine show mind. Some cracking games. Battle of Dieg my personal favourite, very closely followed by a wonderful 40mm 18th century game  with two magnificent ships. There was a rather nice Sikh Wars game as well. Oh and a 54mm size Ancients encounter with a big elephant and some Persians. Doubtless there may have been assorted dwarfs and spacemen on other tables but I  didn't see 'em - didn't look either.

 So Partizan is back,  a show that treats you like an adult- well mostly-  and welcome it is too. Saw a whole host of the 'usual suspects' ,chaps I'd not seen for  two years or so.

See here for some pics of the Battle of Dieg game

Mind you, we- Jim and I had a bit of strife- the Van Hire outfit wanted the drivers NI number - which is not something you usually carry about with you - well I don't nor did Jim- so a job that should have take a couple of hours took 4  and a twenty quid cab fare , which we could well have done without but all went right in the end.

 The show was very busy until mid afternoon when I got a little wander - would have taken some photos but to add to the amusement my phone snuffed it inconveniently, no worries Facebook and other places have plenty of pics about.. Worth checking out if you didn't make it. There were games I didn't get to see so I will be having a butchers myself when the pain dies down to a dull ache !

 Nice to be back and a good show to start on as well.

 My next is Salute which for the record will be my last Salute  as I am pulling back from long distance shows. 6 hours each way in a van is no longer my idea of fun so next year I shall be restricting my show travelling to roughly speaking 'England Above Trent' 

 So yes I'll still be dong Partizan.