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Wednesday 26 November 2014

Surrounded by a load of Shine!

 Its been a good while since I did a post about my "Shinyloo" project. Its been a while since I painted any . However I thought I'd see exactly what I had so  since I needed to do a photo shoot anyhow here are some shots of the current finished collection. Not large by any means but still growing a tiny bit at a time when I fancy painting a Stadden or a Minot - or even the odd Peter Gilder Foremost figure of which I've added a few to the unpainted pile..
 So here are some pictures of the shiny dudes.
Scots Greys set about the French!!

British Infantry and Rifles

The Duke of Shinyboot (in the Bluefrock) orders the lads about

Chasseurs of the Guard come to the aid of the hard pressed French Line.
  There are now about 70 or so figures painted with plenty more to do in between more"work- related" projects such as actually trying to undertand the jargon in a recntly aquired copy of Pike and Shotte- which looks very very pretty but I actually haven't found any rules yet but then I've only had the book for an hour.
 More shinyloo soon- I've some Polish Lancers on the  painting table. 


  1. Very, very pretty! Assuming one can use the word to describe military men in miniature of course.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thanks Stoke- pretty is really what this retro-project is all about

  2. Nice pictures and great minis!

  3. Very nice looking and a pleasant relaxed way to enjoy the project. I am looking at figures for my "28mm" French Guard Grenadier a Cheval unit and I am coming to the conclusion that the Stadden is still the most 'Guard like' figure on the market. And not too far off the right size now.

    A rather cheeky question if I may, Do you have a Minot French drummer? I have a good cross section of French foot but I have never found a drummer. If you had one to trade, sell or even borrow it would be very helpful. I know there must be other collecters of minot 30mm out there because they bid a lot if something comes up on ebay but who they are I have no idea.


    1. John - is the such a thing as a list of Minot Historicals about. I have perhaps 60 or so Mostly French Guard but some British and 7 curassiers and a single 1806 Prussian curassier

  4. Indeed a collection filled with gloss and glamour: very attractive. On the Pike and Shotte thing, owing to unforeseen events, mostly his leaving Christchurch to take up a teaching position with the Army, Brian and I never did get to play (test) a game. As the copy of the rule set was his, it went with him.

    I've recently downloaded a one brain cell set (I like one brain cell rules as being about my speed) that I hope to try out some day ... soon...

    1. ONe brian cell suits me too! But firstimpression of Pand S are- still a lot of Historical howlers which had me rolloing about. An awful ot of filler in the book BUT overall a better set than Black powder by a street lenght- perhapps a 15quid set of rules in a 30quid book!

  5. John French Drummer - sorry no never even seen one Agree with your point on the Stadden horse grenadier- going to have to have a few of those myself in the fullness

    1. Thanks Andy,

      I have a catalogue for Minot 30mm Napoleonics listing them, but of course that does not mean the figures were ever released. Still, no reason to stop looking.

