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Tuesday 25 October 2016

Three More From Moscow.

Nick Bokarev- Owner of Drabant has sent me pictures of his 3 newest  Miniatures- All in 28 mm.
 They are the start of a range of "Persons"- ie Personalities for his growing and deservedly popular Dark Ages range.
 I'll have some of these with my next order from Moscow- which currently Nick is making for me .

Sviatoslav. Grand Prince of Kiev.
Volkhv - Heather Priest. 

A Heather Priest is some kind of pre- Christian priest of the pagan Rus - so I am told. .

William the Conqueror 

The last one of course is well known to us.. William the Bastard !
 All are of course well up to the hight standards set by the rest of the Drabant range.  I await their arrival with intrest
 Prices will be £3.00 for the foot personalities and £5.00 for William.


  1. Viry nice castings those - clean sculpting. I like the Bill Conqueror one, presumably of the Duke at the climax of the battle showing his phizz to the boys, letting them know that despite the Anglo-Saxons' best efforts, he's still alive and kicking.

    1. Hi Ion Yes they are some of the cleanest castings around. I'm awfully tempted to ressurect my 25/8mm Norman army- but then I'd have to do some opposition perhaps but I doe really like these so perhaps 2 small "Norman" armies then...... like I used t have back in the 1990s
