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Monday 3 July 2017

Shining again

I decided to have a little bash at photographing some of the nice shiny French I've recently added to the "Shinyloo" project which now only needs some available table time for the first game. I suspect that a little tweaking will be needed but nothing major.

 When I consider what bloody awful condition some of these figures were in when I bought them and how they look now I am on the verge of being rather smug- if not actually so !

 The Chasseurs of the Guard are mostly old 30mm Minifigs on Stadden or Willie Horses . Most of the Grenadiers are Minot- with some Stadden
 The single Mameluke is a Stadden

My mind is working towards using "Charge!" for the games but with a few amendments. Mostly to organisation - French Companies for instance will have 18 privates- allowing them to form 3 ranks of 6 . They will of course only be allowed to fire 2 ranks deep. This should neatly give the British their historical fire superiority without unbalancing the rules. -Solving the tactical problem this causes will be the French Commanders task. The only other amendment I'm thinking of is adding specific rules for the British Rifle. A longer range certainly but hampered by slower loading, perhaps an ability to "pick off" officers etc at closer ranges. Still thinking about this. Possibly not until a game or two have actually been played .

The following day.
Had another look at the batch of pictures I took  before deleting the rubbish and decided to add 2 more photos to this group. The Grenadier officer with his arm stuck out is a 30mm Minifig with a replacement sword from flattened brass wire. The Chasseur officer is a Staddenon a Stadden Horse.


  1. Lovely figures I didn't know that MiniFigs used to produce a 30mm range of Napoleonics. When?

    Best Regards,


  2. Stokes- From what little I know they stopped producing them in around 1973 . I may even have been earlier. I also have some Highlanders and a few other odd figures. I've seen some riflemen and artillery crew as well as some Polish Lancers. I'd love to get hold of more from the range which I believe for the time was quite extensive- many of the figures had separate arms
    The Trumpeter and standard bearer of the Chasseurs are minor conversions rather than "pure" .

    1. WHat a shame MF stopped making these. I like them much more than many of the more recent 25mm stuff that I have seen up close. You do them justice with your painting.

      Best Regards,


    2. They are quite hard to come by now. The anatomy of the foot figures is sometimes a bit odd- big heads and thin waists but they do have a certain charm. For me they are somewhat nicer that the contemporaneous 25mm S range. Though I have yet to get my hands on any of the horses from the range. It may be telling that the Chasseurs are mounted on other makes of horse but I don't know. I probably just have enough Highlander- all flank coys with full dress sporrans on- to make a Charge company if I use Stadden or other command.

  3. Those are so lovely in their shinyness - great Job!

    1. Thanks Stryker- I do have matt varnish as well- but not for these old fellas.

  4. shiny heaven, 'Vive L'Empereur'

  5. I bought my samples c '74, just before they disappeared. A general with map and hussar escort. Would have bought more if I'd had money and hadn't been drawn into 25mm ancients.

    Anyway, you have reason to be smug, damned fine fellows.

    For the rules, I've occasionally packed my SYW French Lads 3 deep for assaults and it works. You can concentrate more units in the same frontage and thus absorb more hits and get more bodies in a melee if you are so reckless. Of course this means the other fellow has an extra unengaged unit somewhere.

    I find skirmishers so deadly that I assume that they are all riflemen and would downgrade the musket ones if I had my way.

    1. Might have been 73 now I think about it, anyway it was from Minifgs USA

    2. Ross- Take your point re-skirmishers. OPerhaps the answer might be to make non-rifle armed skirmishers fire as ordinary infantry- as long as they are in range. I'll have to check this out as I so far have only ever played Charge once I think back in the mists and then I may be misremembering. I didn't purchase the book until the late 80s- the Terry Wise reprint- before getting my hands on a first Edition in the 90s

  6. Fine looking figures Andy, this 'shinyness' thing is tempting as it really seems to bring out the colours.


    1. Lee For certain figures and painting styles it does- a gloss varnish emphasises the contrasts. It does pretty uniforms and bright armour very well but I avoid shiny tanks like the plaque

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