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Monday 8 September 2014

Phew!!! That's that lot done ... Now for ....

 So  with the exception of Salute thats the hardest wekend of the year done- not the miost lucrative but the hardest graft- setting up and pulling down twice in a weekend with  several hours sitting in a van- not to mention getting up  at dfist sparrow -fart- AFTER  you've done one show.- Well you just notice you've done it is all.
 So to the shows themselves- Border Reiver-  footfall definitely down on last year but then there were some communication issues which  I (the sponsor) will have to take up with the organisers.- Around half a dozen phone calls on the Saturday morning- after I'd left obviously - asking where  the show was ! - Including one that got my wife out of the shower! . There were  Border Reiver website issues also  again something I'll have to take up with the organisers .
 Quality of games- mixed to say the least with most of the players intent on playing and nothing that really piqued my interest- though the 54mm medieval thingy did stand ouit a bit  above the rest and the "operational" WW1  which was a bit clever but neither really my thing .
 the show could have done with another 3 or so games- there was plenty of room  but I suspect that finding chaps willing to do it is getting tough. as for example I saw neither Durham nor the IWG there . Yet Falkirk  had made it ... Odd that ....  Indeed only 7 games were listed- by club not by game .
So Sunday and Partixan a very different ball game- but still with issues. Once again the organisers had been royally shafted by the venue owners- who so obviously simply don't give a toss- and it shows..Due to the previous night "Indian Wedding"  several dozen square meteres of staging remind in the main hall  . this meant that  most of that space was unusable and the traders and games had to be crowded into the remaining space. Claustrophobia became an issue. Arses bending ove tables became an issue. Simply  moving about between tables was sometimes an issue.
 The normally smooth catering at this event was a complete joke. Lunch- forgert it - assuming you could get there  there were no sandwiches! Even the obligatory morning bacon buttie was decidely undefilled and flaccid(and overpriced) especially when compared to the splendid creations of the Buttie van at Gatehead!.(or indeed Luch at Gateshead  from the venue cafeteria- well above the norm for a Wargame show  possibly the best this yesr)
 However on the up side- the games were as always splendid looking with chaps wanting to talk to you about them- not that I had much time as I and the team were well busy ! knocking out gear to the chaps. So despite the crowding and other issues a fine time had by all .


  1. I enojyed Partizan 2 as usual, but I agree that they're just an inconvenience to the new owners. I rarely eat at shows (bad dietary habits), but I was impressed by the young lady singing in the dining room/bar/scoffateria. You don't get that just anywhere y'know.
    If the boys do decide to make amove then it's gong to have to be unbelieveably well handled. The show has a long tradition (by our standards) and it's easy to lose the atmos. As I repeatedly say, look at Derby and The Triples. [Come on, take the bait . . . . ;O) ]

    1. Gary- I see your point but I had a long chat with both Lawrence and Richard and it looks likely that change will come if not next year then the year after.
      As for Triples I'd agree but- only up to a point "atmosphere" is engendered by the people not the building and Triples IS getting better each yearalso it is a much easier unload As for Derby inslaubrious Kharsis aside I now prefer the Donnington venue as it is a far easier unload and the wonderful noise of the racing shows that there is life beyond Wargaming- and yes if I could I'd sneak off and watch the cool motors .....
