Had a busy few weeks here at OGUK. What with bundles of new kit coming out left and right. More on the way too. Finally managed to get a few more JACDAW 30mm out French Grendiers- Charging Black Watch and more French Guards.
Biggest release from the UK is on the aircraft front though where we have a total of 7 new planes either out or iminent- all WW2 The picture is of a Fokker- no honest - in Finnish Service with skis to land on frozen lakes. We now have about 50 model aircraft and what started as a small project has grown a bit.
The 18th century pics are of course all JACDAW. These examples painted by sculptor David Wilson . This range also continues to grow albeit more slowly than the aircraft but there are now around 40 packs all told French ,British and a few Austrians with more to come.
As you know I'm quite taken with the Bluemoon 15mm Marlburians- well got my eyes on the ACW range last week and they are every bit as good - perhaps better. Now there is no way I'm doing ACW in 15mm go too many 40mm for that but these are very nice indeed so I'll be having a couple of display units painted for the shows and photgraphs.
For now though its back to painting 40mm Napoleonics - I need to have more French done by mid June for thre Durham show . These appear firsat as I almost always forget that you upload picture ares about face as Grandad Albert would have said- he was the one who rode in the TT in the 1930s so family legend has it . Certainly he was a great motor bike fiend so heres to the King of the mountain... Non TT fans might not get that but I always make a point of watching the TT races if I can .
Looking good Big A
ReplyDeleteI particularly like the wenches and the dog, not everyones cup of tea but it doesnt hurt to put a bit of every day in the army and painting mix.
good coverage of the all the TT classes nowdays on the telly, good stuff.
Yep I'll be glued to the box that week !!
ReplyDeleteWenches and dog all in the same pack along with the Road March Command.